Thursday, January 26, 2012

Investment In Relationships-Time Not Money

Having an investment in relationships is the best way to learn to trust each other. As we all know trust is the basis of all good relationships. If you do not have a good level of trust then you do not have a very good relationship.

That level of trust does not develop over night however, you must work at it. And, trust that has been built over time can be gone in a heartbeat if one of you starts doing stupid things to hurt your relationship.

An investment in relationships does not have anything to do with money. The investment comes from being there for someone when they need you and being reliable even when they do not. The best way for you to accomplish this is to do what you say you are going to do when you say you are going to do it. This is a simple concept. When the small things are taken care of then you can move on to bigger things.

If she calls you up and says she needs you to pick her up from work or where ever and for you to be there at a certain time then make sure you are waiting for her when she comes out. Do not make her wait for you. She will be tired and want nothing more than to see your smiling face at the end of her day.

Another way to earn her trust is to confide in her about things that bother you. Confide in her about things that interest you. The two of you will feel closer than ever before and this will show her that you trust her with some of the big stuff. If she confides something to you earn more trust by keeping it to yourself, do not spread what she tells you all over town.

Show some vulnerability sometimes. No one is as strong as they need to be all the time. Let her know you need her to be there for you when you are feeling down and just want to talk things out. She will feel that you need her when you do this. Try to come out of your comfort zone and let her inside for just a moment.

Do things to make her feel important in your world. If she wants to go see a chick-flick then take her and try to have fun. On the flip side she should be interested in doing the same for you. Be careful here though, because you might get caught up in what she wants and neglect your own stuff. Do not do that to her and she will not do that to you.

And last but not least, carve out some time for each other. Life can get in the way and with this being the technology age that it is you can get lost in all the text messages and e-mails and almost forget to see each other every day. Making an investment in relationships is just this simple.

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"Prim Fernandez" for


Commitment-The Big C Word

If you are tired of running away from commitment but do not know where to start to fix your problem there are many things you can do to help yourself. You can overcome your fear and learn to have love in your life.

If you are one of those people who enter into a relationship with good intentions and feel that this time you will make a commitment and then once that decision is made you turn right around and start doing all those things you used to do that will sabotage the relationship you are in.

Why you do these things you have no idea. But it has cost you the love of several women and now is the time to work things out so you do not spend your life all alone.

The first thing you need to do is some soul searching and try to figure out why you react the way you do. Maybe you got hurt in a previous relationship and subconsciously think that if you ruin the relationship that you can't or won't get hurt ever again.

That is all well and good, but where has that gotten you so far? So, try to figure out why you behave the way you do and this can be the first stepping stone in figuring all the rest out, too.

Never be afraid to ask for help. If the problem is too big for you to handle on your own go find someone to talk to, a professional if need be. A good relationship counselor can help you work through any and all insecurities you have so you can learn to have good relationships with the opposite sex.

Maybe control is your issue. If you are a control freak then entering into a relationship can be a scary thing because you have to be out of control when you are falling in love. Maybe it is the love itself that scares you. Love is scary but you can learn to revel in it and not sabotage every relationship.

Your counselor may have you start keeping a journal. Writing down our feelings can be a great help in overcoming them. When you see them on paper somehow they take on a different quality and do not seem so huge. When you write things down they seem easier to handle and may even start to seem somewhat trivial.

You may fond that you laugh at yourself when you get things all down on paper because these things will now seem so stupid to you. writing them down and looking them over may be the best thing you need to do to overcome your fears.

Commitment does not have to be scary. Falling in love is the best thing in the world and if you are afraid to do it then you are missing out. Try hard to fix what is wrong so you can be one of the lucky ones in this life to find someone to grow old with.

Being happy with a relationship for the entire lifetime is a difficult thing.

But there are some people who shares information about how they overcome

heartbreaks and hurts. VISIT :




"Prim Fernandez" for


Romantic Relationships-In The Work Place Oh My

Romantic relationships happen all the time. It is especially possible that they can happen in the workplace. When you have many people working in the same place day after day friendships will develop and can possibly turn into something more. You might find that a group of co-workers will start going out on the town for drinks after work every Friday night.

This behavior is normal and romantic relationships can develop between two people who spend a lot of time together in any situation may find they have feelings for each other and the workplace is no exception. How this can influence things at work depends on if the relationship works out or not.

If you are considering dating someone at work check out the HR policy on it first, you may find you can get into some trouble if you date someone within the company. Otherwise do what you can to keep things under wraps while you are at work for two reasons.

No one needs to know your business and if there is a policy against co-workers dating then you will stay out of trouble. A third reason is that you both will not become fodder for the rumor mill.

When the dynamic changes between two people at work and they decide to commit to each other in a serious manner care must be taken to keep productivity at the same level or higher otherwise the boss will suspect something is going on and she may question you.

Do what you can to stay as productive as you were before the relationship started and you will not have any problems. Do not spend all of your time sending e-mails or calling the other person on the phone. There is a time and a place for all of that and at work is not that time or place.

Make plans to meet for lunch before you get to work. Then at lunch make plans for after work. Try your best to keep your relationship out of the workplace. You may be so excited and feel like telling some of your closer co-workers about your new love but refrain from doing so. Word will get out if you do this and this is when the trouble we talked about earlier can start.

No one needs to lose their job over falling in love especially in this economy where jobs are hard to come by. Do everything you can to keep the one you've got.

If the newness wears off and the relationship starts to go sour do your best to keep the breaking up out of the workplace as well. Do not let your productivity waver in this situation either. Deal with the break up on your own time.

Romantic relationships can be tough at any time but between two co-workers it needs special attention. If things do go sour and you work in the same department then one of you could ask for a transfer to another department to stay out of trouble. You know what they say, "Out of sight, out of mind".


Being happy with a relationship for the entire lifetime is a difficult thing.

But there are some people who shares information about how they overcome

heartbreaks and hurts. VISIT :




"Prim Fernandez" for


Gifts For Him-What He Likes To Do Is The First Clue

It is so wasy to buy gifts for him for the holidays, birthdays or anniversaries. All you have to do is look around at the things he likes to do with his time. What are his hobbies and interests? Take some time to think about what he does with his spare time and then go in that direction when finding gifts for him.

Does he like to fish and hunt? Buy him a new pair of boots or a new hunting outfit. If money is no object, buy him an new rifle or if he bow hunts get him some of his favorite type of arrow. Fishing is easy, buy him a new rod and reel or some new lures to use when he goes fishing.

Does he like sports? Instead of being the weekend widow especially during football season ask him to teach you all about the game then the two of you can sit down every weekend and watch together. Better yet, but some tickets to a game and go with him. Make the whole time you are at the game your gifts for him. Buy him a hot dog or two and some beer to drink. He will think he has died and gone to heaven.

Slip away during the game and go out to where they sell all the merchandise and buy him a new jersey or some other memorabilia from the game. Save it to give to him after the game if you want or keep it to wrap up for under the Christmas tree. This way he will always remember the game and love you for thinking of his happiness.

If your man is into playing outdoor sports maybe he would like a new pair of skis and boots for his Christmas gift. Separately or along with this he probably could use new winter outerwear. They make things in cool colors even for men these days.

Does he like to play in the snow? Buy him a new snowmobile or ATV to ride or get him a new helmet to wear. As long as it is something he can use he will be happy.

If he is into music you can do a lot with this knowledge as well. With all the new gadgets out that let you hear the music you like you are bound to find something that he will appreciate. Do not forget to include a subscription to a site he likes to get the music he wants downloaded to the new gadget.

If he is not into anything like sports or hunting or fishing then he may appreciate a new watch or something equally classy like tickets to the theater or a year long membership in the wine of the month club.

If he loves to create unique meals in the kitchen surprise him with cooking classes or lessons on how to decorate cakes. You may have to pay for the lessons but in the end you will be the beneficiary of his new skills in the kitchen by being able to eat what he makes.

If all else fails you can take him on a long weekend getaway or vacation to just relax and have fun. Make all the plans in advance and surprise him with the tickets on Christmas morning.

Coming up with good ideas for gifts for him is not as hard as you might think. Follow these tips or use your imagination to come up with your own ideas. He will think that whatever you decide on will be wonderful.


Being happy with a relationship for the entire lifetime is a difficult thing.

But there are some people who shares information about how they overcome

heartbreaks and hurts. VISIT :




"Prim Fernandez" for


Gifts For Your Wife-Ideas To Jump Start Your Shopping

The Christmas season can be stressful and hectic especially when trying to come up with ideas for gifts for your wife. Whether or not you have been together for some time you should have some idea of the things she likes or likes to do with her spare time.


Use the following suggestions as a jumping off point and either pick one of them or try to come up with something even more creative and special for gifts for your wife.


Jewelry is always a good idea. Bracelets, necklaces, and earrings with some diamonds or other precious gems will be a hit on Christmas morning. Personalize this gift even more by having it engraved. She will smile and get nice, warm fuzzies for you every time she wears it.


Here is another good one. Make a reservation for her to be pampered all day at your local day spa. To make this one even better, join her in the experience. Make the reservation for two and go spend the day together being pampered. She will absolutely love this and you will never be so relaxed after someone has pampered you for a day. These are popular gifts so do not wait until the last minute before making the reservation.


Surprise her with the gift of a two week vacation to the tropics in the middle of winter. Make it a sort of second honeymoon if you want to and book the honeymoon suite at the hotel you choose. Have it all planned out and tell her to just go pack her bags. How romantic would it be to spend the rest of the holiday season in the sunny warmth of the tropics and ring in the New Year as well.


Instead of just presenting her with the airline tickets and the itinerary for the trip, have a little fun first. Wrap up a bottle of sunscreen, a pair of flip-flops, a sarong, a sun hat, and maybe a new pair of sunglasses and make her open them all up separately. Then surprise her with the tickets, she will be thrilled and really feel that she is the most important person in your life.


Here is one I would like. If she is a great cook, sign her up to have some cooking lessons in the cuisine of her choice. To make this an even bigger gift, make those cooking lessons in the country of origin. If she would like to learn how to make her own pasta and authentic Italian dishes, sign her up for exactly that but in Italy. If French cuisine is her passion then do all of the above and take her to France to do it. You get the idea.


If these all sound great but money is still tight then how about some tickets to a show she has been wanting to see. This way you stay local and if you want to dress things up a bit then spend a romantic night or two in a hotel in the days surrounding the show. See some other sights as well or take her shopping. She may need a new gown to wear if you are taking her to the ballet or opera. Make sure you are properly attired as well.


These are some great ideas for gifts for your wife but as always if these do not work for you you can tap into that creativity of yours and come up with something that is appropriate. Most of all, have fun.



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"Prim Fernandez" for


Being Romantic With Your Love May Not Always Turn Out

It is no wonder we are confused as sometimes our good intention are met with obvious disapproval.  Like the last time I bought my partner roses. She was going out on a night out and I thought she would be really surprised.  She was but all I got was earache and sore arms.  She kept wondering what I had done that I had to buy her red roses and guess who got to carry the bunch around all night.  So my expensive gesture fell flat on its face and didn't improve things at all. She blamed me for ruining her night out and we ended up having another blazing row. In hindsight it was a little silly sending her flowers to her office when I knew she was going out on the town that Friday night.


These are the types of mistakes I used to make all the time. Instead of making my relationship happier, it only led to more rows. In desperation I started to buy women's magazines to see if I could get any insight into her mind but that didn't work and I sure got some funny looks down at the Mall.  Eventually I bit the bullet and bought a relationship course. You see I didn't know that there is a recipe for relationship success.  Sure some people have it without resorting to books but these people are in the minority.   Others, like me, are constantly wondering why they get it wrong so often.  It can get so bad that you end up wondering whether they are with the wrong partner. But the truth is that communication between the two sexes isn't always easy.  There are plenty of mixed messages and confusing signals.


Men usually don't find talking easy whereas it would seem that women have to talk all the time. You need to listen when they want to chat; in fact they find this romantic.  Grand gestures like the red roses are easy to arrange. You just phone the florist and give them your credit card number.  It takes a lot more effort to clean the house and cook a special dinner as a surprise for when she gets home.  Or if you have kids, find a babysitter and take your partner out for the evening. 


Why do you think so many couples who appear well suited break up? They haven't all had affairs. In fact if you ask them why they have broken up, they usually can't tell you but more often than not they want to get back with their ex.  But you will often find that they haven't spent any time on their own together recently. 


Let me tell you if you think it is difficult to answer how to be romantic with your girlfriend, you should try doing it when she is your ex!  So don't make the same mistakes I did.  Get a blueprint to having a successful happy relationship today and soon all your friends will be asking you for relationship advice.



Being happy with a relationship for the entire lifetime is a difficult thing.

But there are some people who shares information about how they overcome

heartbreaks and hurts. VISIT :




"Prim Fernandez" for


How To Be Affectionate With The One You Love

Falling out of love can happen to all couples regardless of how strong their relationship was.  In order to recover the magic, you need to learn how to be affectionate with the one you love.  There are different ways of learning. You can ask an older man in a successful relationship for some advice.  You could talk to your friends but do yourself a favor and only listen to the ones that are happily involved. The others are single for a reason. Or you could buy a great book, read it and put the theory into practice.

Women are often complex creatures but the majority just love it when you show affection.  Now I mean real affection and not just a pre sex hug.  Sex is a different animal to men and women.  In a committed relationship, women often use sex to show affection and appreciation whereas men are less likely to think that deeply about it. They may just care whether it is any good or not or if it is even available. If a woman is hurt or upset you can usually gauge it from the warmth of the response she shows to your advances.  If she usually initiates making love but hasn't, you can bet a dollar there is something wrong. It may not be your fault but she may be holding you responsible anyway.

If you read any decent book giving advice on relationships, you will know that one way to get more sex is to do more around the house and not leave everything to your other half.  Another way is to show her affection when she least expects it. Hold her hand while on a walk, carry her shopping, collect her from work if it is raining or buy her flowers even though it isn't her birthday or your anniversary.  Arrange to spend time together doing something that the two of you love.

Most romantic partnerships don't break down because of affairs or other huge events but because the little things are missing. If you feel that you are drifting apart, get some help and advice on how to put everything back on course.  Don't ignore the signs of unhappiness hoping they will go away. Women can easily feel ignored and taken for granted and you may only be distracted by your job or financial situation.  She may feel that you must have another woman in your life as you aren't interested in her any more. Or perhaps she is feeling used.  Be honest, is the only time you show her affection those nights when you are hoping sex is on the menu?

So how do you get the love back into your relationship? There are many ways but perhaps one you could try is to pretend you are dating again. How did you treat your partner when you just met?  She is still with you, for now anyway, so you must have done something right.

You need to find out now how to be affectionate with your with the one you love or you just might find someone else has been!


Being happy with a relationship for the entire lifetime is a difficult thing.

But there are some people who shares information about how they overcome

heartbreaks and hurts. VISIT :




"Prim Fernandez" for


Break Up Help-Equals Moving Forward

So, you still have loving feelings for your ex even though the two of you have split up? There is no doubt that this can be an emotionally trying time, and you don't know what you can do. This confusion is natural, but at the same time you shouldn't let it paralyze you from moving forward. What you need is break help, and the good news is that you are about to get some!

Notice that we have already mentioned the concept of "moving forward". That means one of two things; you can either do your best to forget about your ex, or you can try to win them back. The one you choose will depend on a lot of factors, but it's an important decision to make. First you need to ask yourself if you really still love your ex. Don't just answer with an automatic 'yes', but rather take some time and think about it carefully. Maybe you love them, or maybe you are just in love with the idea of being in love. Whatever answer you arrive at is okay, so long as it's an honest answer.

If you decide it's time to move on with your life and make your ex a permanent thing of the past, then you need to make it as clean of a break as possible. For example, don't make excuses to see each other, as that will keep both of you in a sort of limbo where you have "officially" broken up, but are "unofficially" still seeing each other. If you have made the choice to move on with your life, then you need to be willing to do just that, and not do things that betray a different course of action.

If your ex is the one who keeps bothering you, but you want to make a clean break, then you need to put your foot down and let them know that you are done with them and moving on. You don't have to be mean about it, just be up front and let them know that they can now also get on with their own life. When you think about, this is actually a much nicer thing to do than to not confront them. They need to know what's going on so they can move on as well.

You are going to need even more break up help if you should decide that you want to get back together with your ex. You must be committed to doing whatever it takes, but it can be done in the vast majority of cases.

The quickest way to get back together is to wait. That sounds like a contradictory statement, but if you make your first move too soon, you may end up pushing your ex away for good. You both need time to calm down and think things over. After enough time has elapsed, you can get in touch with your ex and start working things out. This is only the start, so getting more break up help is a good idea.


Being happy with a relationship for the entire lifetime is a difficult thing.

But there are some people who shares information about how they overcome

heartbreaks and hurts. VISIT :




"Prim Fernandez" for


Win Your Ex Girlfriend Back After She Left You

Ugh! Why is it that relationships have to be so complicated? One moment things seem to be going great, and the next moment you want to know how to win your ex girlfriend back after she dumped you. Before you start doing anything to win her back, you need to make absolutely sure that you really want her back. Perhaps you are just assuming you should get back together, but do some soul searching first, before you start taking action. From this point forward, we will assume that you are 100% sure about wanting to get back together.

You need a plan if you want to get anywhere. If you don't have a plan then you will expend a lot of effort getting to an unknown point, and you won't even know when you haven't arrived. Sounds confusing, doesn't it? Yes it does, and that's another reason why you need a plan; it will give your purpose more clarity. Decide what your end goal is, and then start working backwards from there, figuring out what steps will eventually lead you there.

Now, if you knew what steps to take, you wouldn't be reading this, right? There is some truth to that statement, but there also some things that you will have to figure out on your own by using some trial and error. You will probably make a few mistakes along the way, and will encounter a few obstacles. The only way to get beyond them is by being willing to do whatever it takes to win your ex girlfriend back after she dumped you.

She dumped you, you didn't dump her. Do you know why she dumped you? She may have told you, or you may have some idea, but what you need to do is dig deep to get to the root of the problem that caused her to break up with you. Chances are that the first ideas that pop into your head will only be the symptoms of some deeper issues. If you wish to get back together, then you are going to have to uncover the real problems, and also be willing to face them head on.

Once you figure out what really went wrong you can then work on solutions. You will be able to arrive at some solutions on your own, but they will be more effective solutions if you get input from your ex girlfriend. The only way that can happen is by the two of you talking about it. That means you will have to let her know that you would like to have another chance. If you have done the previous steps well, and if you are sincere, then she should be willing to at least hear you out. Things may get intense, but the final key of how to win your ex girlfriend after she dumped you is to keep your cool. It may not always be easy, but it is possible, and it will be worth it when the two of you are happily together again.


Being happy with a relationship for the entire lifetime is a difficult thing.

But there are some people who shares information about how they overcome

heartbreaks and hurts. VISIT :




"Prim Fernandez" for


How To Be A Challenge To Your Girlfriend

So you want to know how to be a challenge to your girlfriend, huh? While there is nothing wrong with that, it does beg the question of why you want to be a challenge, and what exactly does that mean? Perhaps it is that you are worried about her breaking up with you, or maybe it's because you heard that women like there men to be complicate, or it could be that she has accused you of being a pushover and she would like you to change. Whatever the reason, there are things you can do to add more depth to your relationship.

1. Examine your motives. Your reasons for wanting to present more of a challenge to your girlfriend will make a big difference in how successful you are, those same reasons may also provide insights into problem areas in your relationship. For example, if you want to be challenging because you're afraid she will find someone else, then you need to examine the source of that insecurity. If you want to do it because you love her and you think she will be happier because of it, then it shows that you have good intentions.

2. Learn to communicate effectively. Okay, you want to know how to be a challenge to your girlfriend, but you still need to be able to talk to each other. Learning good communication skills will make it easier for the two of you to talk and work things out. It can also add an element of challenge to your relationship because it will require both of you to think carefully about what you say to each other, and how you say it.

3. Don't let her take you for granted, and vice-versa. Not taking each other for granted can be a huge challenge all by itself. The problem with her taking you for granted is that she won't even be aware of it, which is exactly what the definition of taking someone for granted is. By being aware of it, and pointing it out to her, you can become more of a challenge because she will now have to make an effort to no longer take you for granted.

4. Get of the relationship rut. Nothing is less challenging than being predictable. It seems that the longer two people are together, the deeper their rut becomes, and that rut leads to boredom, and boredom can lead to infidelity or breaking up. However, if you vary your routine, can be somewhat unpredictable, and embrace spontaneity, then you can break out of that right. Doing this will help to keep things fresh in your relationship and your positively impulsive behavior will be a pleasant challenge for your girlfriend.

5. Don't be a jerk about it. Some guys make the mistake of thinking that women like a guy who is a jerk, but the truth is that they are just looking for a guy who is exciting. As you have seen, how to be a challenge to your girlfriend requires a few simple changes, and you make all of them and be a nice guy at the same time.


Being happy with a relationship for the entire lifetime is a difficult thing.

But there are some people who shares information about how they overcome

heartbreaks and hurts. VISIT :




"Prim Fernandez" for


Fall In Love With Each Other Again

All relationships have their fair share of ups and downs, and if you are looking for ways to fall in love with each other again, then chances are good that you are at a low point. Wherever you are at right now, it's okay; there are things you can do to rekindle the flame you once had burning for each other. Now, I'm not going to tell you that it will be easy, but I will tell you that the effort will be more than worth it once the two of you have fallen back in love.


While you may not be thrilled by the idea of a serious talk about your feelings, it is an absolute must. Be open about your current feelings and concerns, but remember to do so with caring and tact. You don't want to make your partner feel bad about how things are going, and you should also make sure that you don't blame them in any way.


After you have had a good discussion it's time to ask why the two of you fell in love in the first place. What was it that attracted you to your partner, and what got them attracted to you? If there was a time that the two of you loved each other, then there is always hope to do it again. Remembering what you love about each other will help you by keeping the focus on the positive things. In other words, instead of asking why you don't love each other right now and what you can do to fix it, you start rebuilding on the feelings you once had.


Another thing you need to look at is if the reasons you fell in love were valid ones. A lot of times we are overly concerned with physical appearance, and that can cause us to mistake feelings of lust for feelings of love. There is also the possibility that the two of you were pressured to get together by some outside influence. Even if you didn't have real love at first, you may have started to grow in love and that can give you the hope you need to fall in love again.


If you want to make your ex fall in love with you again, then you may be tempted to change who you are, but that would be a mistake. For one thing, it wouldn't be fair to you or your ex if you were only putting on an act. The other thing is that you can only pretend for so long. Besides, your partner should love you for who you are, not who they want you to be.


More than anything, you need to know that there is hope and that it really is possible to make your ex fall in love with you again.



Being happy with a relationship for the entire lifetime is a difficult thing.

But there are some people who shares information about how they overcome

heartbreaks and hurts. VISIT :




"Prim Fernandez" for


Taking The New Love To Family For Holidays

For many of us, one of the most intimidating things we can do is taking the new love to family for holidays. This can be very scary since most of us know our families are nuts!


Before you buy the plane tickets make sure that taking the new love to family for holidays is really the best idea.


Here are some things to keep in mind to lessen the chances of making a huge mistake:


1. First of all, how long have the two of you been dating? If this is a very new relationship it may not be the best idea to introduce them to the family.


A holiday family situation can be very overwhelming... even if your family is fairly well behaved. It is better to introduce your love to your family in a more causal setting without so many people present.


Letting your love and your family get to know each other under less stressful circumstances may be your best bet.


Instead of heading off to see the family over Christmas why not wait until after the holidays for that first introduction? Everyone will be more comfortable.


2. If you and your love have been dating a while and they already know your family than it really shouldn't be such a big deal.


Of course, you still need to make sure that both of you are on the same page as to where you will spend the holidays.


Most couples learn early on that they need to divide their time between their respective families. Sometimes they will spend Christmas eve with one and Christmas day with the other family.


Of course, if the families live a long distance from one another that may not be possible. Another common way to split your time between the two families would be to go to one family for another holiday say Thanksgiving and the other family for Christmas and alternate from one year to the next.


One of the biggest reasons for misunderstandings (in all aspects of your relationships) is the lack of communication.


To keep your relationship calm and stress free, never assume anything.


You may have a very solid idea of how you want the holidays to go, but you can't assume your partner is thinking the same thing... that is, unless you ask them.


So, discuss your plans with your partner first so you can come up with a common plan that you can both agree on.


I guess the bottom line is this: make your holidays happy for everyone involved. Try to talk to your partner and come up with a plan that you can both agree on.


The holidays can be a time of stress for many people anyway, don't add to it by trying to take your partner to meet a bunch of new people and having to deal with a lot of new traditions.


Try to let your partner get to know your family before the hectic holiday season. All that can make your holidays brighter. Taking the new love to family for holidays may not always be the best idea, just talk to your partner first.



Being happy with a relationship for the entire lifetime is a difficult thing.

But there are some people who shares information about how they overcome

heartbreaks and hurts. VISIT :




"Prim Fernandez" for


How To Get Back With Your Ex - Its Not Hopeless

Everything seems hopeless after a break up, and you're not sure how you can get through another day. Yet, somewhere in the back of your mind, a little voice keeps asking how to get back with your ex. It may seem hopeless, but you can take comfort in the fact that the vast majority of broken relationships can be put back together. However, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes.


Chances are that just about everybody you know is going to start offering advice on how to get back with your ex. A lot of that advice will be absolutely useless, a small portion of it could end up doing more harm than good, and some will be helpful; so how can you tell which advice is worth following and which isn't? The answer is quite simple: look at the relationship of the person offering the advice. If they constantly have problems with their partner or go through break up after break up, then you can safely ignore their advice, no matter how well-intentioned it may be. However, if the person has been happily involved with the same person for many years, then it stands to reason that they are doing something right, and that their advice is worth heeding.


Your first instinct after a break up may be to go running back to your ex, in the hopes that you can successfully beg or plead for them take you back. That rarely works, but even if it does, it will put you at a disadvantage in the relationship. Resist the temptation to go to your ex right away. A much better thing to do is wait for a while, maybe as much as a month or two, before contacting your ex. You both need some time away from each other to sort things out on your own and to calm down.


While you are taking a break from each other you should try to figure out exactly what led to your break up. That means digging deep and getting to the root causes. Figuring out the symptoms is easy; figuring out the cause of those symptoms can be difficult. As you're digging you may find some things that make you uncomfortable, but that's actually a good sign that you are getting to where you need to be. Stick with it, and keep trying to figure out what really went wrong.


After figuring out the problem, the next step of how to get back with your ex is to come up with some ideas on how to fix those problems. At this point you only have a few basic choices: forgive, forget or confront. The severity of the problem and how much control you have over it will help you determine which course of action is best.


Now you are ready to get in touch with your ex again. Stay calm and don't overdo it. How to get back with your ex is a matter of having a plan and sticking with it.


Religious Difference In Relationships During Holidays

It's probably safe to say that religious differences can be a bigger problem during the holiday season. Learning to deal with religious difference in relationships during holidays is a priority for a happy and healthy relationship.

Hopefully, if you and your partner have different religious beliefs, you have talked about them before the holiday season even arrives.

That way you don't have to worry about your religious difference in relationships during holidays causing any stress or strife during this time of year.

If you haven't really talked about it now is the time. In pretty much all situations, there is always a better shot at avoiding problems if you and your partner talk things out in advance.

Knowing what the expectations are in advance will help both of you know what the "ground rules" are and that will help to eliminate any problems before they arise, in most cases.

One of the most common, and common sense, things the two of you can do at this time of year is to not only honor your own beliefs and traditions but honor those of your partner as well.

If one of you is Christian and one is Jewish, why not find a way to incorporate aspects of both?  Instead of just having a Christmas tree and a nativity scene, why not add a menorah as well?

Why not combine elements of both religions when you prepare your holiday meals? Keep both religions in mind when planning on the services you will attend or when planning on gift giving.

Just exactly how you combine elements of each religion will depend on you and your partner and how you want to go about it.

It will take communication and some compromise to make things work out, but those are great skills to have for all aspects of your relationship and not just your religious differences.

Sometimes, the biggest stumbling block can be your parents. They often will have strong ideas and in many cases may not be thrilled that you are dating someone outside of your faith.

If that is the situation you find yourselves in, it is time for a gut check. We all love our parents and we want to please them but there comes a time where they should let you lead your life and stay out of your decisions.

If your parents haven't learned that particular lesson yet, you may have to be the one to teach them. It will require you and your partner to be strong but if you can hold your ground and do what you think it right then your parents should learn to adapt to the new situation.

I don't mean this to sound harsh, and you need to use tact and respect, but ultimately it is your life and you do have the right to make your choices.

Hopefully your parents have "grown up" too and are willing and able to let go of you just enough to allow you to live your life your way.

I have two grown children and I know how hard that can be to do from a parents perspective. But it is the right thing.

So, I hope that these ideas on avoiding problems with  religious difference in relationships during holidays has helped you gain some perspective. Remember, ultimately the holidays, and your religion, are about love try not to make it more complicated than that!


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Religion Difference In Your Dating On Holidays

If you and your partner hold different religious views you may have to make some compromises due to the religion difference in your dating on holidays. Growing up, as you both did, with each of your respective religious teachings and subsequent values and ideals, there is bound to be some conflict with regards to holidays.

Communication is imperative in this and any other relationship situation because if the communication is not there it is possible that something one of you does could offend the other and then that will be the end of the relationship.

Two people with religion difference in your dating on the holidays really need to sit down and go over just what the holidays mean to each of you. Then when everything is out on the table find a way to compromise and combine the traditions that mean the most to you both. If this can be done then the relationship will most like be a success and you will marry and have children who will be able to make their own decisions about religion just as the two of you have.

Start by going to see each others church official, priest, reverend, pastor, rabbi, or what have you and learn all you can about your partner's religion. They should be open to learning all about yours as well. If not maybe you both should rethink the relationship. Relationships have ended on lessor reasons than religious differences. There are plenty of fish in the sea and life is too short to not find someone to love who thinks and feels the way you do.

If you have views other that what your partner has then as I said learn as much as you can about that religion including social etiquette like, do you bow your head in prayer at meals. The other with opposing views does not always have to behave in the manner of the group that holds the same values but does need to be able to act appropriately should the occasion call for it.

If you each agree that you both will attend the holiday church services of the other and one of you is Catholic, remember that if someone has not be confirmed in the Catholic church you cannot take communion from the priest.

Also, whatever you do, never, ever berate the religious views of your partner or tell them that what they believe is wrong or stupid. This will only create a rift between you and them and sometimes such things are more than difficult to overcome in a relationship.

You may ask your partner if they wish to convert to your religion but do nothing to force them to do so, especially if there are major differences concerning clothing worn, food that is prepared for the holiday meal and manner of gifts given to recipients.

Even if one of you has no religious affiliation, do not try to force them to go to church services where they will be nothing but uncomfortable. Invite them to go with you if they wish but do not count on them going. Always be prepared to go on your own or with your family. In this case you should never make a big deal out of religion difference in your dating on the holiday.



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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What Can I Do To Get My Boyfriend Back

Are you feeling like everything you do pushes your ex away further? Is this describing your situation to a tee? Are you asking "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back" at every turn? Here are some tips that will greatly improve your chances of getting back together with your ex boyfriend.

Obviously right now you are serious about saving or rekindling your relationship, which is what led you to this article in the first place. But if you are feeling overly anxious to get your ex back, you may be behaving in the wrong way, causing your ex to pull away naturally. It is human nature in general to resist this kind of pressure. Struggling against human nature is completely pointless, and it will only make matters worse.

Are you calling your ex too much, constantly writing him e-mails or text messaging him? Are you trying to make him feel sorry for you? If you are doing these things, stop! If you are asking yourself " What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back", then you need to stop doing these things right now.

So What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back? Follow this strategy instead.

You are going to need to take a completely fresh approach. Begin by breaking contact off for a while, doing your own thing. During this time where there is no communication between you and your ex boyfriend, you can focus on ways that you can improve your own personal life, rather than focusing on the relationship issues at hand. This is going to be a challenging time, and it is going to require discipline to prevent you from returning to your old ways.

During this time, your ex is going to experience a shift in how he feels about you, since you will no longer be pursuing him. You may become mysterious to him in some ways, because he is not sure what you are doing or feeling. This is actually something that can work in your favor. Now your ex is in a position to actually miss you, which is not possible when you are smothering him.

You must remember that the key to this strategy and repairing a break up is to work with human nature rather than attempting to work against it. If you are wondering " What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back", now you should have a fairly basic understanding on how common mistakes can be avoided. Once you implement this basic strategy you can restore a balance and allow your ex to remember why he loved you in the first place.

Just keep yourself grounded and avoid smothering him. Make yourself appear mysterious and he will be reminded why he loved you in the first place. Play hard to get (don't over do it) and let him make the first move, and you will come out on top. And then you will stop asking "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back"



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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stress And Holidays On Your Relationships

The amount of stress and holidays on your relationships that you have to endure is in direct proportion to you and what your expectations are.

Too many of us make the mistake of trying to create the perfect holiday for our families. The problem is that there is no such thing as perfect and the more you strive for it the more miserable you will make yourself and the people around you.

Instead of adding to the stress and holidays on your relationships, why not go out of your way to make sure you avoid as much of it as possible?

Too many of us just go along on autopilot and get mad because we get overwhelmed. If you would just stop and understand that to a large degree you do it to yourself, you can make your holidays a lot less stressful.

Now I know that many people reading this might be a little upset at what I wrote and they may be thinking "I don't do that to myself".

But, the truth is that in almost all cases we do do it to ourselves.... whether we want to admit it or not.

When you really stop to think about the holidays and all the things you do, why do you do them? Deep inside what is your motivation for working so hard to make everything perfect?

Is it for your kids, the expectations you think your parents or in - laws have? You see, none of that is mandatory.

Your kids will be happy with the basics. They simply don't need a lot to enjoy the holiday season... they're kids. Remember when you were little? A trip to see Santa, some pretty lights on the Christmas tree, a little candy and some presents and you were good to go.

As for your parents and in - laws, you don't need to impress them. They already know you and they either like you or they don't.

A fancy holiday dinner or the newest decorating ideas isn't going to change their level of affection for you so why put yourself under so much stress to make everything perfect? Who do you think is keeping score?

If your partner is putting pressure on you to make everything perfect, it is time for the two of you to have a nice long chat. If it is that important to them, then they should be doing at least half of the work. Are they? If not, then why not?

It's not fair (and it's not a sign of a good relationship if your partner is pressuring you for some perfect holiday but they aren't stepping up to help you) for your partner to expect you to do it all.

I learned several years ago that all the stress and strife of creating the "perfect" holiday season was self induced and a waste of time.

Once I figured that out and stopped killing myself to make everything perfect I found that me and my whole family actually had a more peaceful, happy holiday season.

Enjoy this time of year with the people you love. Don't worry about over the top expectations and you can save yourself  stress and holidays on your relationships.


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