Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stress And Holidays On Your Relationships

The amount of stress and holidays on your relationships that you have to endure is in direct proportion to you and what your expectations are.

Too many of us make the mistake of trying to create the perfect holiday for our families. The problem is that there is no such thing as perfect and the more you strive for it the more miserable you will make yourself and the people around you.

Instead of adding to the stress and holidays on your relationships, why not go out of your way to make sure you avoid as much of it as possible?

Too many of us just go along on autopilot and get mad because we get overwhelmed. If you would just stop and understand that to a large degree you do it to yourself, you can make your holidays a lot less stressful.

Now I know that many people reading this might be a little upset at what I wrote and they may be thinking "I don't do that to myself".

But, the truth is that in almost all cases we do do it to ourselves.... whether we want to admit it or not.

When you really stop to think about the holidays and all the things you do, why do you do them? Deep inside what is your motivation for working so hard to make everything perfect?

Is it for your kids, the expectations you think your parents or in - laws have? You see, none of that is mandatory.

Your kids will be happy with the basics. They simply don't need a lot to enjoy the holiday season... they're kids. Remember when you were little? A trip to see Santa, some pretty lights on the Christmas tree, a little candy and some presents and you were good to go.

As for your parents and in - laws, you don't need to impress them. They already know you and they either like you or they don't.

A fancy holiday dinner or the newest decorating ideas isn't going to change their level of affection for you so why put yourself under so much stress to make everything perfect? Who do you think is keeping score?

If your partner is putting pressure on you to make everything perfect, it is time for the two of you to have a nice long chat. If it is that important to them, then they should be doing at least half of the work. Are they? If not, then why not?

It's not fair (and it's not a sign of a good relationship if your partner is pressuring you for some perfect holiday but they aren't stepping up to help you) for your partner to expect you to do it all.

I learned several years ago that all the stress and strife of creating the "perfect" holiday season was self induced and a waste of time.

Once I figured that out and stopped killing myself to make everything perfect I found that me and my whole family actually had a more peaceful, happy holiday season.

Enjoy this time of year with the people you love. Don't worry about over the top expectations and you can save yourself  stress and holidays on your relationships.


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You better give it a try before it's too late.




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