Thursday, January 26, 2012

Religion Difference In Your Dating On Holidays

If you and your partner hold different religious views you may have to make some compromises due to the religion difference in your dating on holidays. Growing up, as you both did, with each of your respective religious teachings and subsequent values and ideals, there is bound to be some conflict with regards to holidays.

Communication is imperative in this and any other relationship situation because if the communication is not there it is possible that something one of you does could offend the other and then that will be the end of the relationship.

Two people with religion difference in your dating on the holidays really need to sit down and go over just what the holidays mean to each of you. Then when everything is out on the table find a way to compromise and combine the traditions that mean the most to you both. If this can be done then the relationship will most like be a success and you will marry and have children who will be able to make their own decisions about religion just as the two of you have.

Start by going to see each others church official, priest, reverend, pastor, rabbi, or what have you and learn all you can about your partner's religion. They should be open to learning all about yours as well. If not maybe you both should rethink the relationship. Relationships have ended on lessor reasons than religious differences. There are plenty of fish in the sea and life is too short to not find someone to love who thinks and feels the way you do.

If you have views other that what your partner has then as I said learn as much as you can about that religion including social etiquette like, do you bow your head in prayer at meals. The other with opposing views does not always have to behave in the manner of the group that holds the same values but does need to be able to act appropriately should the occasion call for it.

If you each agree that you both will attend the holiday church services of the other and one of you is Catholic, remember that if someone has not be confirmed in the Catholic church you cannot take communion from the priest.

Also, whatever you do, never, ever berate the religious views of your partner or tell them that what they believe is wrong or stupid. This will only create a rift between you and them and sometimes such things are more than difficult to overcome in a relationship.

You may ask your partner if they wish to convert to your religion but do nothing to force them to do so, especially if there are major differences concerning clothing worn, food that is prepared for the holiday meal and manner of gifts given to recipients.

Even if one of you has no religious affiliation, do not try to force them to go to church services where they will be nothing but uncomfortable. Invite them to go with you if they wish but do not count on them going. Always be prepared to go on your own or with your family. In this case you should never make a big deal out of religion difference in your dating on the holiday.



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