Thursday, January 26, 2012

Taking The New Love To Family For Holidays

For many of us, one of the most intimidating things we can do is taking the new love to family for holidays. This can be very scary since most of us know our families are nuts!


Before you buy the plane tickets make sure that taking the new love to family for holidays is really the best idea.


Here are some things to keep in mind to lessen the chances of making a huge mistake:


1. First of all, how long have the two of you been dating? If this is a very new relationship it may not be the best idea to introduce them to the family.


A holiday family situation can be very overwhelming... even if your family is fairly well behaved. It is better to introduce your love to your family in a more causal setting without so many people present.


Letting your love and your family get to know each other under less stressful circumstances may be your best bet.


Instead of heading off to see the family over Christmas why not wait until after the holidays for that first introduction? Everyone will be more comfortable.


2. If you and your love have been dating a while and they already know your family than it really shouldn't be such a big deal.


Of course, you still need to make sure that both of you are on the same page as to where you will spend the holidays.


Most couples learn early on that they need to divide their time between their respective families. Sometimes they will spend Christmas eve with one and Christmas day with the other family.


Of course, if the families live a long distance from one another that may not be possible. Another common way to split your time between the two families would be to go to one family for another holiday say Thanksgiving and the other family for Christmas and alternate from one year to the next.


One of the biggest reasons for misunderstandings (in all aspects of your relationships) is the lack of communication.


To keep your relationship calm and stress free, never assume anything.


You may have a very solid idea of how you want the holidays to go, but you can't assume your partner is thinking the same thing... that is, unless you ask them.


So, discuss your plans with your partner first so you can come up with a common plan that you can both agree on.


I guess the bottom line is this: make your holidays happy for everyone involved. Try to talk to your partner and come up with a plan that you can both agree on.


The holidays can be a time of stress for many people anyway, don't add to it by trying to take your partner to meet a bunch of new people and having to deal with a lot of new traditions.


Try to let your partner get to know your family before the hectic holiday season. All that can make your holidays brighter. Taking the new love to family for holidays may not always be the best idea, just talk to your partner first.



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"Prim Fernandez" for


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