Thursday, January 26, 2012

Religious Difference In Relationships During Holidays

It's probably safe to say that religious differences can be a bigger problem during the holiday season. Learning to deal with religious difference in relationships during holidays is a priority for a happy and healthy relationship.

Hopefully, if you and your partner have different religious beliefs, you have talked about them before the holiday season even arrives.

That way you don't have to worry about your religious difference in relationships during holidays causing any stress or strife during this time of year.

If you haven't really talked about it now is the time. In pretty much all situations, there is always a better shot at avoiding problems if you and your partner talk things out in advance.

Knowing what the expectations are in advance will help both of you know what the "ground rules" are and that will help to eliminate any problems before they arise, in most cases.

One of the most common, and common sense, things the two of you can do at this time of year is to not only honor your own beliefs and traditions but honor those of your partner as well.

If one of you is Christian and one is Jewish, why not find a way to incorporate aspects of both?  Instead of just having a Christmas tree and a nativity scene, why not add a menorah as well?

Why not combine elements of both religions when you prepare your holiday meals? Keep both religions in mind when planning on the services you will attend or when planning on gift giving.

Just exactly how you combine elements of each religion will depend on you and your partner and how you want to go about it.

It will take communication and some compromise to make things work out, but those are great skills to have for all aspects of your relationship and not just your religious differences.

Sometimes, the biggest stumbling block can be your parents. They often will have strong ideas and in many cases may not be thrilled that you are dating someone outside of your faith.

If that is the situation you find yourselves in, it is time for a gut check. We all love our parents and we want to please them but there comes a time where they should let you lead your life and stay out of your decisions.

If your parents haven't learned that particular lesson yet, you may have to be the one to teach them. It will require you and your partner to be strong but if you can hold your ground and do what you think it right then your parents should learn to adapt to the new situation.

I don't mean this to sound harsh, and you need to use tact and respect, but ultimately it is your life and you do have the right to make your choices.

Hopefully your parents have "grown up" too and are willing and able to let go of you just enough to allow you to live your life your way.

I have two grown children and I know how hard that can be to do from a parents perspective. But it is the right thing.

So, I hope that these ideas on avoiding problems with  religious difference in relationships during holidays has helped you gain some perspective. Remember, ultimately the holidays, and your religion, are about love try not to make it more complicated than that!


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